Ring Size: 7.0 US (resizable to 7.5 on demand)
Material : Silver 925(Sterling), Silver 935 (Argentium)
August Birthstone
Proudly made in Southern California, USA
Physicians of the old world believed that Peridot was a natural healer when it came to the liver, the gall bladder and digestion problems. Perhaps due to its green color, the stone was synonymous with the idea of detoxing. Peridot is a perfect tonic for good health, especially when it comes to healing and regenerating cells and tissue, bringing strength and speed to metabolism, and helping the adrenal and endocrine systems. This gem is also used to help treat skin problems and is said to be a dab hand at clearing up rashes and bringing a healthy glow back to the face. It can also be used to reduce the fire of fever and can even reduce the burning inner pain that comes when giving birth thanks to its ability to soothe sore muscle contractions.
A bringer of life and light, Peridot truly blooms into its own when it comes to mental and emotional healing properties. One of the most potent healing crystals, Peridot is sure to stabilize your moods and encourage you to bask in the glow of a life well-lived. For those who need a little help in letting go of egocentric behaviors such as jealousy, resentment and spite, Peridot invites you to put down all that weighty baggage and go empty-handed and pure of heart out into the world. It is such a great stone at encouraging you to let it all go and rid yourself of problematic behavior patterns that don’t serve anyone and simply clog up space in the heart.
As Peridot is busy washing out all those negative emotions, it can be a great stone to alleviate stress and anxiety. When we are marred by jealousy, resentment, bitterness and holding into baggage and grudges, our whole body and mind can tip over into anxious thinking.
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